Content Creators


Ridheli Clothing Content Creator Application Form

  1. Full Name:
  2. Email:
  3. Contact Number:
  4. Age:
  5. Social media platforms (please list all):
  6. Number of followers/subscribers:
  7. Would you share your post engagement summary?
  8. Previous collaborations with fashion brands (please list):
  9. Why do you believe you are a good fit for Ridheli Clothing? 

Please note that submitting this request does not guarantee selection for a collaboration with Ridheli Clothing. All requests will be reviewed, and applicants will be selected based on our evaluations.

By submitting this request, you understand that this collaboration involves receiving an abaya from Ridheli Clothing in exchange for creating content featuring the abaya. Please note that this collaboration do not involve a paid content creation other than being be able to keep the abaya as part of this exchange.

Please fill out the information above and send it to to apply for a collaboration with Ridheli Clothing. We look forward to potentially working together and promoting our beautiful abayas with you.

Thank you for your interest in collaborating with Ridheli Clothing.